SANKUKAI Unified Certification Program
What is SUC Program?
SANKUKAI UNIFIED CERTIFICATION PROGRAM is a certification system announced by Soke Takeshi Kitagawa. Under this program, the entire certification system will be common for all the members of the SANKUKAI family all over the globe.
Japan Grading: SANKUKAI issues Unified Certification for both Kyu and DAN Grading Please see the color pattern of KYU Grading, The syllabus prepared by Soke Takeshi Kitagawa is meant to develop every class of learners.
Why the need for SUC Program?
SANKUKAI as an organization that runs worldwide, Japan Certification in both KYU and DAN grading makes the certification accurate, authentic, and common for all.
What makes SUC Program different from other certifications that commonly existed?
All the KYU grading certificates are duly approved by Soke Takeshi Kitagawa, it is also signed by the Jimukyokucho and the instructor in charge. The stated link( Below the Certificate) gives every achiever the opportunity to verify their certificates, currently, the verification is through an email authentication system soon the entire system will be on a portal.
DAN Grading: DAN Grading is conducted personally by Soke Takeshi Kitagawa, no country official or any affiliated member is entitled to issue DAN Grading certificates. Standard Certification charges are suggested as per the country’s requirements.
What is the process to book the SUC Program for KYU Grading?
The date of the KYU Grading examination should be intimated by clicking the link provided to each affiliated member, the Booking of SANKUKAI UNIFIED CERTIFICATE SHOULD BE DONE ONE MONTH BEFORE THE KYU GRADING, the proposed fee should reach the concerned on booking.
What is the Process of DAN Grading?
The dates of DAN Grading will be announced by the headquarters, the applicant has to fill DAN Grading Application in due time. The proposed fee should reach the concerned one month before the DAN Grading.
What is the process for late applicants?
The late applicant can appear for the examination by paying an extra fine which will be announced from time to time.
Important note: No affiliate is authorized to produce any kind of certificate in the name of SANKUKAI.
NSKS Examination Board is the final authority for the certification.